Building Cost Consultants,Inc.

Professional Cost Estimating

Proudly Celebrating our 35th Years!

...we did a master plan update for a major hospital in Norfolk, Nebraska.  The MP included a cost estimate which was projected out 3 years.  After the MP was completed, we began the design process.  Today we are now going through the bidding process with a major contractor and the dollars are hitting right on the MP estimate.  Regarding the accuracy, I received a call from the CEO of the hospital.  He said to me that he knows that compliments are not handed out as often as they should be, so he wanted me to let you know that he appreciates BCC's effort.  To quote him, "HDR has the right guy doing the estimating."

As the economic environment is ever changing, the construction market and subsequently the associated costs can be difficult to navigate and hard to predict changes in project costs.  Because of this, solid cost projections are even more crucial to ensuring success in your design and construction projects.  Now more than ever the need for accurate cost forecasting is of the greatest importance.  We invite you to learn more about how BCC, Inc. can help you with your project estimating needs.


Mike Goertzen, HDR, Omaha, Nebraska


  • Conceptual Estimates
  • Master Planning Estimates
  • Budget Estimates
  • Schematic Design Estimates
  • Design Development Estimates
  • Construction Document Estimates
  • Bidding Document Reviews
  • Contractor Estimate Reviews


Dennis Sieh, CEP

As a Senior Estimator, Dennis has nearly 50 years of experience in the construction industry, primarily in cost estimating.  His estimating experience includes conceptual and competitive bid estimating on a wide variety of project types.

Building Cost Consultants, inc. Estimating Services For Architects Engineers Contractors And Facility Managers

As an independent cost estimator, we have our finger on the pulse of current construction pricing trends and ...

BCC, Inc. has been performing comprehensive construction estimates for over 37 years.  We utilize the experience and data amassed during this ...

Building Cost Consultants, Inc. has performed estimates in 49 of the 50 United States as well as...

BCC, Inc. has nearly 40 years of experience in construction estimating and helping our clients get the most from their projects.

Our Clients

Why Choose a Professional Estimator?

Our Process

Excellence in Estimating